Back Market Quality Service

Back Market’s Quality Assurance Fee — the price of quality

Updated on June 28, 2023

This fee is invested in Back Market's industry-leading quality assurance controls, so we can offer you the best experience possible when buying renewed.

How much is the fee?

This fee is added to each order, based on the total cart amount. This fee is added to each order, based on the total cart amount. When you make a Back Market order, your total cost breaks down into 4 parts:

  • The price of the item

  • Back Market Quality Assurance Fee (a maximum of 2% of the cart amount and a minimum of $0.49)

  • Tax

  • Express shipping costs (if selected)

Cart amount

Quality Assurance Fee




















Why does Back Market charge a Quality Assurance Fee on each order?

Back Market delivers a rigorous quality standard to ensure that every device functions as good as new.  We do this by partnering with our expert refurbishers to provide training and support, and by monitoring their ongoing performance.

To support this effort, we have:

  • A team of more than 130 Back Market team members dedicated to monitoring seller performance 

  • Ongoing mystery orders to make sure sellers are fully compliant with our Quality Charter

  • The Back Market Innovation Lab:

    • Where we dissect devices sold on Back Market to verify technical quality and share best practices with our refurbisher partners

    • Where we fight against planned obsolescence and the friction that some original equipment manufacturers intentionally build into the repair of their devices to force more customers to purchase new ones 

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can improve our actions on quality, please drop us a line at

Back Market

Written by Miguel Garza

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