Everglade Electronics LLC

Lifespan on Back Market: 1 years, 5 months

About the seller

Everglade Electronics LLC is a small, family-owned business located in Central North Carolina, USA in the Research Triangle area of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. We have been selling new and refurbished consumer electronics since 2019. We source our products from reputable wholesalers, manufacturers, and aggregators and professionally reburbish them. We test each item for functionality, grade it, sanitize it, and ready the item for sale. All iPhones and Samsung phones pass a rigorous Phonecheck test. We pride ourselves on our customer service and do whatever we can to make it right.

  • EIN number:
  • SIRET N°: 84-3758838
  • Legal address: Everglade Electronics LLC, 407 Golden Harvest Loop, 27519, Cary, US
  • Seller's country of origin: United States