Employees read Back Market reviews

Updated on September 28, 2023

Employees read Back Market reviews

We’re answering questions from you about us, starting with “Does Back Market read reviews?” The answer is “yes” for a lot of reasons — like ensuring consistent quality of service and devices sold by refurbishers in our marketplace.

But we’re taking this question the extra mile: we asked employees to read real reviews of devices bought on Back Market. What does Margaret think about the refurbished iPhone 11 she bought her daughter? Has Cheryl found a better (refurbished) alternative for her addiction to Apple products? What about Rosemary’s drone? Only one way to find out.

(And yes, of course we had to stuff the reviews into balloons to make them, well, pop. Typical day in the office, right?)

Clare Austen-Smith

Written by Clare Austen-SmithSenior Brand Copywriter

Writing about tech, sustainability, and all things Back Market.

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